2 Billy + Succulents

 bukett succulent craspedia, bouquet billy buttons succulents

Ok, jag vet det börjar bli lite tjatigt med alla buketter med craspedia.
Men denna skyller jag på att det efterfrågades mer succulentinspiration. Så då tycker jag så klart att denna bukett med alla möjliga sorters succulenter, tilandsia, craspedia och aspedistrablad passade perfekt. Så fräsht med flera olika nyanser av grönt plus gult!

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 Ok, I know it's getting a bit boring with all these bouquets with billy buttons.
But there was actually a request for more succulent inspiration. So when I found this bouquet with lots of different succulenter, air plants, billy buttons and aspedistra leaves, I thought ít was just perfect. So fresh with several different shades of green plus yellow!

2 kommentarer :

  1. Lovely bouquet idea! Here in Germany you can hardly find any Billy Balls at florists shops because they say it's mostly used for bridal bouquets etc. but not sold like a flower for the home. I disagree, they just look perfect in a bouquet as well as in a home, right?

    1. Strange! They are the perfect cut flower for your home, because when you dry them they look exactly them same! ;)


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